luxury Peru tours travel


Tour Portfolio

Opulent Itineraries



Machu Picchu Luxury Tours


luxury Peru tours travel

Legacy of the Incas
Machu Picchu Luxury Tours

Machu Picchu - Lake Titicaca

(11 days/10 nights)


luxury Peru tours travel

Sacred Sites of the Incas
Machu Picchu Luxury Tours

Machu Picchu - Lake Titicaca
(12 days/11 nights)


luxury Peru tours travel

Empire of the Sun
Machu Picchu Luxury Tours

Machu Picchu - Lake Titicaca
(14 days/13 nights)


luxury Peru tours travel

Ancient Civilizations of Peru
Machu Picchu Luxury Tours

Colca Canyon - Machu Picchu
Lake Titicaca

(16 days/15 nights)


luxury Peru tours travel

Archaeological & Ecological

Machu Picchu Luxury Tours

Peru & Ecuador:
Galapagos - Machu Picchu
Lake Titicaca (or Amazon)
(18 days/17 nights)


luxury Peru tours travel

Grand Tour of the Inca Empire
Machu Picchu Luxury Tours

Colca Canyon - Amazon
Machu Picchu- Lake Titicaca

(22 days/21 nights)


luxury Peru tours travel

Ancient & Colonial Capitals
Machu Picchu Luxury Tours

Machu Picchu
(10 days/9 nights)


luxury Peru tours travel

Inca Trail to Machu Picchu
Machu Picchu Luxury Tours

Machu Picchu

(13 days/12 nights)


luxury Peru tours travel

Machu Picchu & Galapagos
Machu Picchu Luxury Tours

Peru & Ecuador:
Machu Picchu - Galapagos
(15 days/14 nights)


luxury Peru tours travel

Galapagos & Machu Picchus
Machu Picchu Luxury Tours

Ecuador & Peru:
Galapagos - Machu Picchu
(18 days/17 nights)


Luxury Galapagos Cruises


luxury Peru tours travel

Enchanted Isles of the Galapagos
Machu Picchu Luxury Tours

(11 days/10 nights)


luxury Peru tours travel

Galapagos & the Kingdom of Quito
Machu Picchu Luxury Tours

Galapagos - Andes

(16 days/15 nights)


luxury Peru tours travel

Galapagos & the Amazon
Machu Picchu Luxury Tours

Galapagos - Amazon
(16 days/15 nights)


Luxury Ecuador Tours & Travel


luxury Peru tours travel

Historic Haciendas of the Andes
Machu Picchu Luxury Tours

Cotopaxi - Antisana - Otavalo
(7 days/6 nights)


© 2013 Inka's Empire Corporation.
All rights reserved.

luxury Peru tours travel

        Inka's Empire Tours...  Impeccable!    © 2012 Inka's Empire Corporation, Luxury Peru Tours: Travel to Machu Picchu. All rights reserved.

Lambayeque, 1000 AC.
Photo: Museo Larco, Lima, Peru.


Inka's Empire Tours provides Travel Guard's ProtectAssist Gold policy for U.S. and Canadian residents through the age of 59 years (over that age, there is a supplementary fee). Others are advised to purchase coverage in their home country and will receive a five-percent reduction in the tour price. Our policy even reimburses guests who cancel their tour due to termination of employment, layoff from a job held for at least one year or work reasons. For questions about the travel insurance and how it applies to your particular circumstances, please call Travel Guard (1-800-826-4919) or the company you have selected in your own country. You may wish to consider air flight insurance for your international tickets. Inka's can include it for an additional cost of 6% of the fare.


Why Inka's includes travel insurance

There are hundreds of circumstances that could cause you to cancel your tour, return home early or, even worse, force you to seek emergency medical treatment while traveling. To demonstrate the importance of travel insurance, here are ten common examples of what could go wrong.*

1. You could lose money you've invested in your tour, such as nonrefundable deposits, if bad weather conditions cause delay or cancellation of your trip.

2. You may have to cut your tour short and return home for an emergency, such as an unexpected illness or death in the family, forcing you to lose the remaining pre-paid portion of your tour and pay a ticket change fee for your return travel arrangements.

3. Your luggage could be lost, delayed or stolen, forcing you to purchase additional clothes, essentials or even prescription medications.

4. The airline, cruise line or tour operator with which you are scheduled to travel suddenly ceases operation or goes on strike, leaving you with no option but to cancel your trip... with no recourse for reimbursement.

5. Most major health plans in the U.S., Medicare and Medicare supplements offer little or no medical expense protection outside the U.S. (Medicare and Medicaid provide no coverage outside the U.S.)

6. Due to an accident or a sudden illness, you, a family member or companion may require emergency medical evacuation while traveling. Many of U.S. health plans, including HMOs and PPOs, will not cover emergency medical evacuations.

7. You could run into major travel delays, forcing you to miss a portion of your tour and be forced to pay additional lodging expenses while you wait.

8. You could be forced to evacuate your accommodations due to a named hurricane or other weather conditions, cutting your tour short... with no recourse for reimbursement for the remaining portion of your trip.

9. You could lose your important travel documents, stranding you while traveling abroad.

10. You could be forced to cancel your tour because a terrorist incident occurred in a city within 30 days of your planned arrival... with no recourse for reimbursement.

*These scenarios are offered only as examples. Insurance is underwritten by American Home Assurance Company, a New York insurance company which is a member of the AIG Companies, with its principal place business at 70 Pine Street, New York, NY 10270. It is currently authorized to transact business in all states and the District of Columbia. NAIC No. 19380. This is only a brief description of the insurance coverages available. Full details of the coverage are contained in the Policy. The Policy contains reductions, limitations, exclusions, and termination provisions. If there are any conflicts between this document and the Policy the Policy shall govern. Not all coverages available in all states.


Why has Inka's chosen Travel Guard's ProtectAssist Gold program?

    • More reasons for tour cancellation, interruption and delay than other companies' travel insurance policies.
    • The highest service standards in the industry, which the company consistently meets.
    • Fast, fair claims service.
    • Free 24-hour emergency travel assistance for policyholders. Whether you need help finding medical care halfway around the world, making emergency arrangements to return home or obtaining an emergency cash advance, you can access the toll-free hotline from anywhere in the world, any time of day.


      luxury Peru tours travel Machu Picchu

      Inka's Empire Tours...



      © 2013 Inka's Empire Corporation, Machu Picchu Luxury Tours. All rights reserved.

      luxury Peru tours travel Machu Picchu